Anyone may read what has been said on Lynx-dev by visiting the archives.
Anyone may ask a question or offer a comment on Lynx-dev by sending mail to, the posting address for this list. Because of the public archive, requests for a personal reply may not be honored, and you should check the archive to find all follow-up responses. Messages from non-subscribers are not immediately distributed to the list to avoid distributing spam. Usually, if your message is on topic, it will be retrieved from the pile of spam headed for the wastebasket within a day or so and distributed to the list. So, for best results subscribe as described below.
Majordomo will thereafter send all messages which you address to the posting address to all subscribers of the list, and you will receive all messages set to that address by other subscribers.
NOTE: Subject headers are ignored by the majordomo.
If you subscribe an email address to lynx-dev-contrib, mail from that address posted to lynx-dev will be recognized as from a subscriber and automatically distributed to the list. To make such a subscription, send email to with only the following request in the body of your message: SUBSCRIBE LYNX-DEV-CONTRIB address.
If you prefer to read the lynx-dev discussion using Lynx and the archive, and not receive all the posts as email, subscribe to lynx-dev-contrib and not to lynx-dev. If you have multiple accounts from which you would like to post to lynx-dev, subscribe one of them to lynx-dev (where you will receive the list mail) and the others to lynx-dev-contrib.
Read the HELP that you receive by return mail to learn the details of the which command you can use to check on your subscriptions, etc. Further information is available from the majordomo website.
If you have problems with majordomo not responding to your requests, send email to the list owner: Please, DO NOT send them to as they will be distributed to everyone on the list and will clutter up their mailboxes.
Go to the Lynx-Dev Archives.